Hello, my name is

Henry Unah

I'm a full-stack developer specialised in frontend and backend development for simple and small scalable web apps. I am a good team player and always love to learn about modern technologies. Want to know how I may help your project? Check out my resume.
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Skills Overview

I have more than 2 years' experience building rich web applications for clients all over the world. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and tools I use. Want to find out more about my experience? Check out my online resume.


  • React/Redux/Angular
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Webpack/Gulp/Grunt


  • Java/SpringBoot
  • C#/ASP.NET
  • PHP/Laravel
  • PostgresSQL/MySQL
  • MongoDB


  • API Development with Mulesoft
  • Azure DevOps
  • Unit Testing
  • Sketch/Balsamiq
  • Wordpress/Shopify

Interested in hiring me for your project?

Looking for an full-stack developer to build your web app or ship your software product? To start an initial chat, just drop me an email at henry.unah@gmail.com or use the form on the contact page.
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